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Unforgotten – Book Cover

Unforgotten, written by Goa-based Frederika Menezes, is her debut novel about love lost and found; a first person narrative, where sustained reflection blends with action to trace the hero’s journey through its many twists and turns. It carries the flavour of an age-old allegory about the artist grappling with his demons, internal and external, as he pines for his muse.

As depicted in the cover, Frederika has carefully painted a realistic setting for Ian, her central character, and has set in motion forces that drive him; from India to England, from home to office and to the mental hospital, to the writing desk, to the guitar, to the pain of loss of love, to the discovery of inspiration. Yet, the allegorical quality of the story is what lingers when the last page is turned. And yes, Goa (India) finds place here too, a dream-like world which holds what is most vital, and never quite forgotten.

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